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Artificial Intelligence Programming in Prolog

These notes accompany the four lectures on Artificial Intelligence programming in prolog. Only the basics of prolog programming will be described. Further details of the language and of prolog programming techniques will be introduced in tutorials or later lectures, and can be found in any prolog text book. The recommended text book for this part of the course, and for the coursework, is Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence (second edition), by Ivan Bratko, published by Addison Wesley (1990). This book covers both basic prolog programming and gives many AI examples which will be useful for the assessed exercises. Another good book, but with far fewer AI examples, is Clocksin &Mellish Programming in Prolog, Springer Verlag 1981. These lectures will cover roughly the first three chapters of either of these books.

The exercises accompanying the AI course will all involve writing or extending simple prolog programs (though two will involve writing expert system or grammar rules, rather than straight prolog). Prolog is a weird language, and takes some time and practice to get used to. It is therefore very important that you get lots of practice. There will be six exercises given out, the last three of which will be assessed. However, you would be wise to try additional exercises from the first few chapters of Bratko and suitable exercises will be suggested.

Fri Aug 19 10:42:17 BST 1994